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Can you change your outlook email address to a new microsoft account

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The judges said: "Having considered all the submissions made to us, both written and oral, on the issue of jurisdiction, we find it impossible to accept the argument advanced on behalf of the council. However, a ruling by the Court of Appeal today dismissed the latest attempt. The government announced in March that it would use Wethersfield Airfield in Essex as accommodation for up to 1,700 men for up to 180 days each under emergency powers, as part of its plans to tackle the asylum backlog.īut Braintree District Council tried to seek an injunction to stop the plan after anger from local residents, arguing the move would breach planning controls.Ī High Court judge refused the bid in April, but the local authority appealed, claiming the court did have the power to grant the injunction.

can you change your outlook email address to a new microsoft account

A local council has lost a court challenge to try and stop asylum seekers being housed at a local RAF base.

Can you change your outlook email address to a new microsoft account